Playwrights- Now Accepting Submissions!
Sundog Theatre in NYC is seeking one-act plays for “Scenes from the Staten Island Ferry II Autumn 2024”
This is Sundog Theatre’s 23nd presentation of
new and original, one-act plays about our favorite boats.
This year’s theme: SECRETS EXPOSED.
Plays can be comedies or dramas. However, humor is always appreciated.
Writing Guidelines:
-Original plays not previously produced or published, with a signed note affirming that.
-10-25 minutes in length and set on the Staten Island Ferry.
-Set in a contemporary time period. Strong priority will be given to plays with 2 characters, however, 3-character plays will be considered. No special set pieces other than benches or railings found on the Ferry, as well as limited and easily accessible props/costumes, and no unusual sound or lighting effects.
-Avoid overt and unnecessary sexual/violence situations and language since we cater to a broad audience.
-No musicals, long monologues, poetry, rants or verse
Submission Guidelines:
Please send two hard copies, bound or stapled, blind submission (removable cover page with title, author and all contact information) with page numbers and the name of the play on each page to:
Sundog Theatre, “Scenes 2024”, PO Box 10183, Staten Island, NY 10301.
-Submissions should include a brief play synopsis (2-3 sentences at most), a 70-word bio, and a full resume of the writer.
–DEADLINE: Must be postmarked from now through September 6, 2024.
-We are not accepting plays electronically. Reasons: hard copies are easier to pass around/make notes on; protects your work; can’t get lost in email chains; and…easier on reading eyes. We will let you know by email that we have received it.
-Questions: info@sundogtheatre.org/Susan Fenley, Producer.
6 plays are chosen by a reading team; writers each receive $200 and plays are produced in five October/November 2024 performances in Staten Island, NY. Plays are cast in NYC, rehearsed, and performed on stage.
Playwrights of selected plays will be contacted in September and their names/play titles listed on Sundog’s website in Autumn 2024.